Shefali Bhatt

Activity loggers as pedometers for Asian elephants (Elephas maximus): A step-counting study

Hello there! My name is Shefali and I am all kinds of mildly nerdy as you can see from my opening line. I have a wide variety of interests but chief among them is my interest in learning and observing the behaviour of animals.

I have always had an interest in animals. Being from India I had the opportunity to visit zoos, natural reserves, and national parks frequently and I was always fascinated by how the animals behaved in the different places. As I grew older, I decided to learn as much about animal behaviour as possible. To achieve that, I first finished my undergraduate in Animal behaviour at Western University, Canada and now I am here at Linkoping University to learn more about animal behaviour.

I am interested in learning the activity patterns and the drivers behind those patterns which is what my thesis is about as well. Are you ready to walk a mile in the (metaphorical) shoe of an elephant…..Background & Aims.