Andrea Maria Pardeiro Cordido

“Effect of naturalistic facial features of imprinting objects on a spontaneous discrimination and a proto-arithmetic task in chicks (Gallus gallus)”.


I am Andrea, a passionate biologist from Spain.

Since I was a kid I have loved animals and throughout the years I have been more and more interested in their behavior. I am currently most interested in animal cooperation, social learning, communication, language, and cognitive development.

In my Master thesis, I studied the:

“Effect of naturalistic facial features of imprinting objects on a spontaneous discrimination and a proto-arithmetic task in chicks (Gallus gallus)”.

The project took place in the Comparative Cognition Laboratory (Department of General Psychology) at the University of Padova, Italy.

If you want to understand better what this project was about, please feel free to have a look at the different parts of the menu above.