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The Meandering Hose
Sound Data:
For the total number of clicks, the median of the Off sessions was significantly lower than the median of the On sessions, the Fish sessions, and the Fish/Gelatine sessions. Besides this, both the median of the On sessions and the median of the Gelatine sessions were significantly lower than the median of the Fish sessions for the total number of clicks.
For the number of click trains, all the medians of the Off sessions, the On sessions, and the Gelatine sessions were significantly lower than the medians of both the Fish sessions and the Fish/Gelatine sessions.
Furthermore, the median of the Off sessions was significantly lower than the median of the On sessions, the Fish sessions, and the Fish/Gelatine sessions for the number of click trains with more than 100 clicks. Both the medians of the On sessions and the Gelatine sessions were significantly lower than the medians of both the Fish sessions and the Fish/Gelatine sessions.
Finally, for the ratio between the number of click trains with more than 500 clicks and the number of click trains with more than 500 clicks, the median of the Off sessions was significantly higher than the medians of all the other states (On, Gelatine, Fish, and Fish/Gelatine).
Statistical analysis was also performed for the 10 ms buzz ratio, the 2 ms buzz ratios, the average number of clicks per train, and the number of click trains with more than 500 clicks. When comparing the medians of these parameters between the different states, the statistical tests came back with non-significant p-values

Behavioural Data:
For the seconds spent observing the hose the median of the Off sessions was significantly lower than the median of the On sessions, the Fish sessions, and the Fish/Gelatine sessions. Plus, the median of the Gelatine sessions was significantly lower than the medians of both the Fish and the Fish/Gelatine sessions.
Also, for the number of times the dolphins made direct contact with the hose, the median of the Off sessions was significantly higher than the medians of the On sessions, the Gelatine, the Fish sessions, and the Fish/Gelatine sessions
Furthermore, the median of the Off sessions was significantly lower than the median of the Gelatine sessions, the Fish sessions, and the Fish/Gelatine sessions for the number of high speed pursuits done by the dolphins. In addition, the median of the On sessions was also significantly lower than the median of the Fish sessions.
Lastly, for the number of times the dolphins produced small bubbles, the median of the Off sessions was significantly lower than the median of both the Fish sessions and the Fish/Gelatine sessions.
Statistical analysis was also performed for the number of times the dolphins had physical contact, the number of times the dolphins snapped at each other, and the number of bubble bursts the dolphins produced. When comparing the medians of these parameters between the different states, the statistical tests came back with non-significant p-values.

Shell Sand Boxes
Both the presence of the sonar targets and fish and the position of the box had significant effects on the seconds spend observing in the box, seconds spend observing above the box, and seconds spend observing outside of the box.
For the number of times the dolphins snapped at each other, the presence of the sonar targets and fish had a significantly positive effect on the number of times the dolphins snapped at each other , while the position of the boxes did not have a significant effect on the number of times the dolphins snapped at each other
Plus, the number of bubble bursts observed was significantly positively affected by the presence of the sonar targets and fish but was not affected by the position of the box.
Neither the presence of the sonar targets and fish nor the position of the box had a significant effect on the number of tail slaps that was observed.