Activity budget
Most displayed behaviours: Resting, Moving, Eating and Alerting
- Shifu: Resting , Eating and Moving
- Wanju: Moving, Resting, Self-grooming and Alerting
- Laya: Moving and Alerting
- Out of sight: 77% of the time
- Shifu: 66% of the time
- Wanju: 76% of the time
- Laya: 89% of the time
Time – Behaviour correlations
- Most frequently displayed behaviour
- Resting negatively correlated with time for Shifu and Wanju
- Cub growth-related behaviours
- Alerting negatively correlated with time for Wanju
- Self-grooming negatively correlated with time for Shifu
- Aggression positively correlated with time for Shifu
Daily hour-by-hour analysis
- Mostly active:
- between 9:30 and 10:00
- between 16:00 and 16:30
Most frequently observed distances, respectively: Far, Touching, Close and Very close
- Between Shifu and Wanju: Far, Close and Very close
- Between Wanju and Laya: Touching, Far, Very close and Close
- Between Laya and Shifu: Far, Close, Very close and Touching
Time – Distance correlations
- Between Wanju and Laya:
- Far negatively correlated with time
- Very close positively correlated with time
- Between Laya and Shifu: Very close positively correlated with time
➥ Wanju and Laya and Laya and Shifu significantly closer over the time
Behaviour Aggression
- Displayed 15 times:
- 0 times when Laya and Shifu were Touching
- 10 times when Laya and Shifu were Very close
- 2 times when Laya and Shifu were Close
- 3 times when Laya and Shifu were Far
- When Laya and Shifu were Touching and Very close: 19% of their behaviours was Aggression
- Out of all Aggression (across all individuals): 67% occurred when Laya and Shifu were Touching and Very close.
- Most Aggressions were observed at the end of the 10 week-period
External variables
- Activity rate significantly higher in the presence of public
- Shift of the morning peak hour from 9:30-10:00 to 10:30-11:00
- Wanju: activity rate negatively correlated with temperature
- All inter-individual distances: frequency of Very close negatively correlated with temperature
Feeding routine
- Activity rate significantly higher during the “red panda experience”
- Behaviours observed 30 minutes prior to the morning meal
- New: Playing
- More often observed:
- Moving +14%
- Alert +3%
- Exploratory +2%
- Food foraging +2%
- Aggression +1%
- Out of sight decreased of 31%