Material & Methods


  • Three red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) maintained at Borås Djurpark in Sweden:

A mated pair

Shifu: 9 years old, ♂

Wanju: 7 years old, ♀

and their offspring
Laya: born on June 24th, 2022, ♀

Laya, 3 months old
Laya, 5 months old
  • The enclosure:
  • Feeding time:
    • Between 9:00 and 9:30am
    • Between 4:30 and 5:00pm
  • Bamboo and berry plants were planted in the outdoor enclosures mid way through data collection

Experimental Procedure

  • Observation from outside the enclosures: 4 hours per day between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm for 10 weeks
  • Scan sampling at two-minutes intervals
  • Ethogram of 13 behaviours (Table 1): Eating, Drinking, Resting, Moving, Self-grooming, Allo-grooming, Exploratory, Alerting, Food foraging, Playing, Aggression, Out of sight
  • Inter-individual distance into categories (Table 2): Touching, Very close, Close, Far
“Red panda experience”
  • Zoo opened 9 days during the study period
    • “Red panda experience” occurred on 6 of them
  • The “Red panda experience”:
    • Maximum 4 visitors:
      • They received an information session from the zookeepers about their work with the red pandas and the importance of conserving them
      • They had the opportunity to enter the enclosures and houses and give the red pandas their morning meal
    • Lasted 30 minutes
    • Mealtime delayed of 2 hours

Data Analysis

  • Activity budgets for each individual and for all three combined
  • Correlation of the most frequently displayed behaviours with week:
    • Resting
    • Moving
  • Correlation of the cub growth-related behaviours with time:
    • Alert
    • Self-grooming
    • Exploratory
    • Food foraging
    • Playing
    • Aggression
  • Hourly activity rate
  • Comparison hourly activity rate between days with visitors and days without

Daily average temperature of Borås

  • Correlation between activity rates of each individuals and all combined and temperature
  • Correlation between distance categories and temperature
  • Proportions of distance categories for each individual and for all three individuals combined
  • Correlation between distance categories and week
  • Aggression
    • Frequency counted for each distance category between Laya and Shifu
    • Percentage of Aggression over all behaviours when Laya and Shifu were Touching or Very close
    • Percentage of Aggression that occurred when Laya and Shifu were Touching or Very close over all distances between all individuals
“Red panda experience”
  • Comparison hourly activity rate between days with visitors and days without
  • Comparison of the proportions of each behaviour during the 30 minutes prior to the morning meal with control days (days without the “experience”)

Results ☞