Material & Methods

Additional information 1

Table 1. Ethogram of red panda behaviour observed in Borås Djurpark, Sweden, 2022.
EatingEating food: provisioned – fruits, vegetables, pellets or browse – bamboo
DrinkingDrinking water in enclosure
RestingLying (either curled in ball or lying flat out) – unresponsive to noise/activity
MovingMoving along vertically or horizontally on or off the ground
Self-groomingGrooming or scratching own body, not repetitively
Allo-groomingGrooming or scratching a conspecific’s body, not repetitively
ExploratoryExploratory/territorial investigation of enclosure, can involve sniffing, digging, interaction with furnishings within enclosure
AlertingAwareness and observation of surroundings
Food foragingForaging in enclosure (e.g., permanent trees, grass), can include digging
PlayingPurposeless activity such as rolling, tail-chasing, but not repetitive
AggressionAnti-social interaction with conspecific
Out of sightUnable to be seen by observer

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