
Species effect on contact:

  • The placentals in the rainforest had higher number of contacts compared to placentals from farmland and wandoo woodland indicating that they were more persistent in solving the puzzle (Figure. a).
  • The placentals in the farmland habitat were better problem-solvers by having the fewest contact when solving the puzzle (Figure. a).
  • The marsupials in the wandoo woodland expressed the highest number of contacts with the puzzles when solving, indicating greater persistence in solving the puzzles compared to those in farmland and rainforest habitats (Figure. b).
  • The marsupials in the farmland required the fewest number of contacts, suggesting superior problem-solving abilities (Figure. b).
  • The birds in the white gum woodland habitat displayed the highest persistence in solving puzzles, requiring the most contact with the puzzle to solve it, compared to birds in the wandoo woodland habitat (Figure. c).
  • The birds in the wandoo woodland habitat demonstrated more efficient problem-solving, requiring fewer contact with the puzzle to solve it (Figure. c).
a) Placentals
b) Marsupials
c) Birds

The number of contacts made with puzzles when puzzles were solved or not in the specific habitat by different taxonomic groups: a) placentals; b) marsupials; and c) birds.

Effect of number of contacts on solving success:

  •  The wandoo woodland habitat exhibited the highest total number of solving instances (181), compared to farmland (111), white gum woodland (47) and rainforest (42).
  • The rainforest site exhibited the highest success rate (4.959%), compared to the farmland (2.290%), wandoo woodland (3.763%) and white gum woodland (0.918%).
  • This suggests that the species inhabiting the rainforest habitat demonstrate superior problem-solving abilities compared to species in the other habitats.

Total number of contacts and total number of solving that the species did between each of the four different habitat types (farmland, rainforest, wandoo woodland and white gum woodland) with success rate percentages.