
Active behaviours

The behaviours showed the most by both bears were Standing still and Walking (ANOVA: p < 0.001).

Bart and Bamse’s total durations (min) of active behaviours at Kolmården Zoo, Sweden. The * indicate statistically significant differences.

Ambient temperature and behavioural activity

Bart showed a trend of being more behaviourally active compared to Bamse, but the activity durations did not differ significantly between individuals (one-way ANOVA not assuming equal variances: p = 0.16).

Bart and Bamse’s behavioural activity per day (%) shown along with the average ambient temperature (degree Celsius) each day.

Bart’s duration of behavioural activity did not correlate significantly with the ambient temperature (R2 = 0.004, p = 0.29).

Bart’s total duration (sec) of active behaviours plotted with the average ambient temperature (degree Celsius) each day.

Bamse’s duration of behavioural activity did not correlate significantly with the ambient temperature either (R2 = 0.001, p = 0.84).

Bamse’s total duration (sec) of active behaviours plotted with the average ambient temperature (degree Celsius) each day.