Background & Aims



After the return of a predator, a change in the behaviour of its prey is expected. The first anti-predatory method to be checked is a shift in the spatiotemporal resolution. However, this change is very context dependant and not consistently reported in litterature.

In fact, for the wild boar, no spatiotemporal change has been assessed in my study area, leading to the hypothesis of another theory: an increase in group size

The wild boar is already a gregarious animal and larger group will take advantage of the group size effect. Enhance predatory detection due to a shared vigilance, less chance to be predated on due to the dilution effect, and the possibility to fight back the wolf.

This also comes with costs such as an increase encountered rate with the predator, or an enhance competition for resources or mates, as well as a higher rate of disease transmissions.

Understanding the dynamics between a predator and its main prey is essential to understand the biome and come up with better management of the animals, especially species such as the wolf and the wild boar that have strong social drivers.

In this project I aim to estimate the yearly variations in:

i. Proportion of wild boar in the the wolf diet

Expectation: increase wild boar proportion in the wolf diet

ii. Wild boar group size

Expectation: increased group size with years

iii. Wild boar group size in relation to other confoundings factors

Expectation: no influence of confoundings factors if predation is the main reason for the group size increase

iv. Wild boar group size in relation to wolf activity or habitat type

Expectation: larger group in riskier habitat (i.e. open habitat) and in areas with higher wolf activity.